Speculator - Lake Pleasant - Piseco - Wells
Adirondacks, Hamilton County New York
The Lions Member Dinner scheduled for Tuesday, July 16 at the Irondequoit Inn was not held due to the storm. It has been rescheduled for Monday August 26.
The 2024 Richard Newell Memorial Fly-in Drive-in Breakfast at Piseco Airport K09 was held on Saturday August 24 (8AM-11AM). Weather was picture-perfect except for some ground fog early in the morning. Preliminary count is 837 breakfasts served and 50 aircraft flew in. Note: pilots in command received a free breakfast.The lucky winner of the 50/50 jackpot received $614. Aurora Pfaff, author of Aviation In The Adirondacks give a talk at 10 AM.
Pictures and comments are posted on our Facebook page: facebook.com/SpeculatorNYLionsClub.
The 2025 breakfast is tentatively scheduled for August 23. We need new members to help with this event and other activities.
Anyone wishing to assist in this community event should contact any Lions member.
Electric Bike raffle: We didn't do the bike raffle in 2024. We still need more new members to help. Please consider joining the Speculator Lions Club so we can continue supporting the local commuity. You need not be a local/full-time resident. Donations are also always appreciated.
The annual Speculator Lions Kids' Halloween Party was held on Friday October 27, 2023. Thank you to Lions members who assisted with this event. A good time was had by all.
The 2023 Richard Newell Memorial Fly-in Drive-in Breakfast at Piseco Airport K09 was held 8AM-11AM on Saturday August 26. The weather looked questionable early on, but it turned out to be perfect. We served 770 breakfasts and 17 aircraft flew in. Attendence was down a bit from last year, but still very good considering the weather forcast. We would like to extend a big thank you to all who attended, and particularly to those who helped with the event and those who responded to our new member outreach.
The 2023 Mary Ann Ryan and Fred Miller, Jr. Scholarship award winner is Kayla Rust, from Wells NY. Kayla has worked with animal rescue and is going to Skidmore with an ultimate goal of becoming a veterinarian.
The annual Richard Newell Fly-in / Drive-in Breakfast is typically the Saturday of the weekend before Labor Day weekend. The 2025 breakfast is tentatively scheduled for August 23.
The annual Snowmobile Poker Run was put on hold during COVID. We need new members in order to resume the event, typically held on the third Saturday in February.
The Speculator Lions Club was chartered in September of 1962 and has served the local communities of Speculator, Lake Pleasant, Piseco, and Wells for over 60 years.
Fundraising is key to the success of the Speculator Lions Club. This is accomplished through large and small events – for example, the Summer Raffle and Snowmobile Poker Run have been held annually for over 20 years. The Breakfast Fly-in has been held since 1975.
Fundraising allows the Speculator Lions Club to meet pressing needs in our local communities including winter heating needs, food programs (such as the local food banks and the giving of thanksgiving baskets), a college scholarship for local youths; a Halloween party for children at Lake Pleasant School; and most importantly helping individuals when appropriate and supporting individuals and communities in times of disaster.
Unfortunately, due to limited manpower, we were unable to hold the snowmobile poker run or summer raffle in 2023 and 2024.
Many of our senior members have retired after years of dedicated service. We are looking for new members and new ideas to help contiune our mission of supporting the local community.
Regular membership is open to all adults of good moral character with a desire to help their communities. You do not need to be a full-time resident of the area. Family membership enables relatives living in the same house to volunteer together at a reduced dues rate. Students between 18 and 30 who are enrolled in an educational institution are eligible to receive a discount on international dues. Leos Young people interested in Lions International may become Leos as part of a Leo Club.
Membership is by invitation and agreement of the existing members. If you're interested, please get in touch with any Lions Club member.
You can also fill out a membership application form and we will contact you.
Interested in helping? We need new members to help with our mission of supporting the community. Even if you don't want to join right now, we can use your help with our community and fundraising events. All proceeds from fundraising events benefit the local community.
Visit our Facebook page for additional news and updates: facebook.com/SpeculatorNYLionsClub
Speculator Lions Club is in District 20-W
Visit the Lions Clubs International website for more general information.
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